湿污泥干化后再直接焚烧污泥的焚烧 Incineration of sludge 湿污泥干化后再直接焚烧应用得较为普遍,没有经过干化的污泥直接进行焚烧不仅十分困难,而且在能耗上也是极不经济的。 Direct incineration of wet sludge after drying is widely used. Direct incineration of sludge without drying is not only very difficult, but also very uneconomic in energy consumption. 污泥焚烧处理 Sludge incineration treatment 以焚烧为核心的污泥处理方法是最彻底的污泥处理方法,它能使有机物全部碳化,杀死病原体,可最大限度地减少污泥体积;但是其缺点在于处理设施投资大,处理费用高。 The sludge treatment method with incineration as the core is the most thorough sludge treatment method. It can carbonize all organic matter, kill pathogens and minimize the volume of sludge; However, its disadvantage is that the investment of treatment facilities is large and the treatment cost is high. 4、污泥露天的晾晒 4. Air drying of sludge in the open air 这种污泥处理方法为降低污泥中的含水率。采用露天晾晒这种方法,占用的土地面积大,需人工布料和搅拌,工人的劳动强度大;另外,污泥中含有大量的细菌和病毒,还会对周围环境产生不利影响;当遇到下雨天时,污泥由于不能及时收集,随雨水一起流走造成水的污染。因此,露天晾晒这种传统方法有很大的弊端。 This sludge treatment method is to reduce the moisture content in the sludge. Using the method of open air drying, the occupied land area is large, manual cloth and mixing are required, and the labor intensity of workers is high; In addition, the sludge contains a large number of bacteria and viruses, which will have an adverse impact on the surrounding environment; When it rains, the sludge cannot be collected in time and flows away with the rain, resulting in water pollution. Therefore, the traditional method of air drying has great disadvantages. 5、污泥低温干化处理 5. Low temperature drying treatment of sludge 在污泥低温干化过程中,采用除湿热泵对空气进行加热蒸发以达到污泥蒸发干化,采用热风循环对流,冷凝除湿烘干。 In the process of sludge low-temperature drying, dehumidification heat pump is used to heat and evaporate the air to achieve sludge evaporation and drying. Hot air circulation convection, condensation, dehumidification and drying are used. 上一篇污泥的卫生填埋下一篇我国污水处理率已超过90% |